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Python Project Build and Release Guide

Include non-code data files

  • Set include_package_data=True in file
  • Update to include the data files you wanted.
    • For example, recursive-include feathrcli/data * will include everything under feathrcli/data/ folder.

Distribute Feathr Python Library via PYPI

  • Install build tool: python3 -m pip install --upgrade build twine
  • Do NOT use python3 -m build since it will result in unknown issues.
  • Wheel is preferred since package installation with wheel is faster.
  • Empty the folder in dist.
  • Cd into feathr_project cd feathr_project.
  • Generate wheel: python3 -m build --wheel. A .whl file will be generated.
  • Generate sdist: python3 -m build --sdist. A tar.gz file will be generated.
  • Check the dist folder and you should see only two newly generated files, one for wheel(.wheel) and one for dist(.gz).
  • Upload to Pypi python3 -m twine upload dist/*. This will upload both wheel and dist to Pypi. Username and password of your account is needed to finish the uploading.
  • If upload completed, you can see your new version in
  • You can also delete the uploaded package in


After the package is released to PyPi, please test the newly uploaded package works. Here are the steps:

  • Git clone our code from github
  • Create a new virtual environment but don’t compile against local source
  • Install feathr with pip install feathr
  • Execute feathr and feathr init in terminal to check things work as expected
  • Open one of our notebook tutorial to run the notebook end-to-end to ensure it works


  • File already exists. Error: 1. You may be using old dist files. Clear your dist folder. 2. You can’t upload same version to Pypi. Change your patch version if you want to re-upload. Ref Packaging Python Projects